For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45

Serving is at the heart of our church mission. We would love for you to join us in loving our neighbors as ourselves. Each summer, we have a "Serve Sunday" where our church meets for a brief worship service and then heads out to our community in teams to meet needs from landscaping and yard maintenance for elderly neighbors, to food distribution, to writing cards for nursing homes. We also take on staffing our local food pantry at various times throughout the year, provide meals for teachers and staff in our district, and have apartment complex VBS programs. Lastly, because our church is mobile, there are limitless opportunities to serve each Sunday, from setting up chairs, running tech/AV, putting signs outside, or even leading on our worship teams. We'd love to have you plug-in to our Sunday operation's crew!
To volunteer for these or other projects, please submit the form below and you will be contacted to complete an application and background check.
*To serve in a formal capacity, you must be a member of Butler Community Church.
To volunteer for these or other projects, please submit the form below and you will be contacted to complete an application and background check.
*To serve in a formal capacity, you must be a member of Butler Community Church.
Current Service Opportunities
Set up/tear down crew for Sunday mornings
Connections Team
Communication Team
Hospitality Team
Worship Team
Children's Teacher or Helper
Youth Leader
Small Group Leader
Technology Team
Prayer Team
Connections Team
Communication Team
Hospitality Team
Worship Team
Children's Teacher or Helper
Youth Leader
Small Group Leader
Technology Team
Prayer Team

Watch our Sunday morning setup come together.
As a mobile church, we set up and tear down every Sunday for service. We have multiple teams that work together to make this happen each week.