
Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Our youth gather weekly at a home for Bible-based studies and discussion often arranged by age group (6th-8th grade and 9-12th grades.)  We also have social get-togethers combining all students to have a chance to hang out and have fun. Our youth leaders care deeply for the students and aim to be  wise leaders in their lives. All students are welcome. Whether you've never opened a Bible,  have grown up in the church, or anywhere in between - we'd love to have you!

Sunday Evenings

6:30pm -8:00 pm

BCC Youth Summer Camp

BCC Youth is going to Crossings Camp in Kentucky, July 13-17 this summer! The theme  is “here and now,” and the Biblical focus is 1 Peter.  Students will explore what it means to live as chosen exiles, called to radical holiness while being anchored in an unshakeable hope. Crossings is a gospel saturated week full of camp fun (water sports, zip lining, smash ball, archery tag, fishing, basketball, and much more). You don’t want to miss the fun!

Meet the leaders!

Sarah Weigand


Abbey Palmer


Tim Thomas

Jeremy Nelson


Pricilla Adkins


Sarah Adkins


Rosie Palmer


Heath Hale


Dillon Gross


Want to connect with a youth leader?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.